Selalu Jaga Amanat Ilmiah Kawan!!! September 2015 | CORETAN KEHIDUPAN

Friday 18 September 2015

Notebook dengan Keyboard Wireless

Jadi ceritanya laptopku sudah benar-benar mengalami kerusakan keyboard yang serius, banyak tuts yang mati. Berhubung laptop adalah alat pencari nafkah dan kebahagian maka dengan senang hati ku bawa ke tukang servis deh si laptop yang udah berusia 6 tahunan itu. Ternyata kerusakan itu harus ditebus dengan harga mahal, hampir satu juta karena fan dalem juga ikutan rusak juga. Jadilah aku bawa balik itu laptop pesakitan

Untuk mengatasi keyboard yang rusak aku pun menggantinya dengan keyboard eksternal besutan logitech. Aku sengaja beli yang wireless karena kayaknya enak aja bisa ngetik sambil tiduran di kasur padahal laptopnya ada di meja kerja.

Awalnya sih rempong banget bawa-bawa keyboard sama mouse tiap kali bawa laptop, belum lagi tempat yang digunakan pun menjadi semakin makan banyak lahan. sediiih banget

Setelah beberapa bulan menggunakan keyboard tambahan akhirnya aku pun beli laptop lagi. Laptop pertama yang dibeli dari keringat sendiri, meski speknya masih di kisaran menengah ke bawah tapi cukup oke karena dapat promo haha

Masalahnya ketika ngetik di laptop baru aku ngrasa nggak nyaman banget. Kupikir itu karena struktur chicklet dari desain keyboardnya, tapi ternyata bukan. Aku mencoba mengetikd engan keyboar di laptop lamaku dan rasanya pun sama, nggak enak banget, rasanya kurang mantap aja gituh.

Kini aku punya kebiasaan baru dalam memakai laptop, yaitu menggunakan perip[heral tambahan berupa keyboard dan mouse wireless, enak bangeeet. Selain ditunjang jenis keyboard tamabhannya, jarak antara layar dengan mata juga menjadi pas banget, mungkin karena 14' ya, kalau netbook kayaknya agak kurang nyaman juga di mata.

Thursday 17 September 2015

When You Grow Up and Your Parents Grow Old

Sometimes we will forget our father and mother. Our parents will be moved aging. We will be workaholic until somethings become and makes us often forget all of memories. We did not have time to call or back to home as often as possible because it got beat by a wide bustle. If you have this, we do not realize that our character can create a new hole in the hearts of fathers and mothers.

Actually, to make them happy you do not have to bother to do many things. By simply do 8 simple things only, then you've managed to wring a smile on their face.

They do not have to buy this and that, the father and mother have felt proud when he saw you able to finance your life.
make parents happy

Every parent would be proud when her son was able to finance his own life. This proves that we've grown and no longer dependent on them. Of course, mom and dad will feel calm because we've more or less ease the burden.

No longer ask for a monthly allowance, we've been able to pay the boarding up to meet the need. Although it may seem normal, but secretly they were proud because you felt ready to face the world released. It could be said they also feel at ease because of their duty to maintain, raise, and educating successful.

Father and mother will feel calm, if you are able to set aside some money for the sake of future savings.
make parents happy

Not only able to provide for themselves each month, both parents will feel at ease when you are able to set aside for future earnings. Their hearts at ease, knowing her baby already has a long-term plan for the future. So no more worries excessively about your future someday, because you already have a provision to deal with it.

Parents must have'kode clicking 'so that you fast forward to the next stage of life. But relax, respond 'code' them with jokes.
make parents happy

Most parents also will feel happy when her baby at the age of 20s and already had a partner. Their hearts are relieved because you are no longer alone and ready to advance to the next stage of life. However, we did not know when to be reunited with a mate who has been outlined.

Sometimes even now we are still alone and not have someone accompany. If it is now being you experience, not to worry excessively or even feel that the comments of parents is a nuisance. Enough respond to them with jokes and just believe that sooner or later those outlined for you will come.

Inisiatifmu really feels worthwhile, merely offered to bear the cost of internet or piped water is a sign that you've grown.
make parents happy

Father and mother would feel immense pleasure when you have a high sensitivity and initiatives. Needless to why they buy luxury items, you just had the initiative to offer assistance. Of course there should also be a big help. Initiative to provide small grants that can lighten the load is more than enough for them.

You can set aside a little rupiah to bear the cost of the internet and piped water at home each month. Without realizing it, the attitude of this sederhanamu already reflect a sense of caring and responsibility. Without realizing attitude of this one managed to carve pride in their hearts.

For those of you who go abroad for example, take the time to contact them every Saturday or Sunday. Merely asking the home atmosphere while removing longing.

Maybe you're really now being intensively beaten by busyness, so you can not often call home to say hello. This is what sometimes makes the hearts of parents sad and disappointed. From now try, take a little of your time to contact them.

You can make a definite agenda in every Saturday night and on Sunday to call them. You can update the story about the things you did and ask about the state of the house. Routinely carry out this, you and they could be catching up to do. Not only that, the parents did not feel neglected because you want to take the time to them.

Want to provide ear and provide inputs also make parents feel if you're already an adult. Further involve themselves in family affairs will certainly make them happy.

Creating proud parents can also be shown through other simple way, you can always provide ear and give input about family problems. In addition to accommodate their complaints, giving advice to parents about family problems also would make them proud of you. They are increasingly convinced that you have grown up and happy because you could share your mind to solve the problems being faced together.

Some parents feel that makes them happy it was not when his son had a lot of money. But how could her baby-'manusia'-kan me they get older.

The material can not be used as a primary gauge to sip happiness. Not material could also warms the heart of a parent. Precisely father and mother would feel extraordinarily happy when you are able to appreciate, respect, and humanize them in their growing age dusk.

Still patiently explained when they inquired about how to use gadgets and the Internet, not easily get mad when faced attitude of those who already like a child again. Of course compared to the material, it is extremely valuable and capable of a happy father and mother. Perlakuanmu who still appreciate them as a parent and want to treat them with love makes them feel has been successfully educating you as a human being.

At the end of the day, the father and mother would really appreciate when you want to take the time for the family. Moreover, while they are given time to stay in the world by the Creator.
parents happy

One thing that definitely make parents happy in their age began to dusk is when you are willing to spend more time for them. Indeed, at this time you have been squeezed by the work and responsibilities of a new, more challenging. However, you do not forget that you exist in this world thanks to their father and mother.

We never know when the person's age will be terminated. Still have a father and mother at your age that is now the most beautiful grace that God gives. Do not waste time left. Take your time and spend with them. Not only your parents who feel appreciated, you could also feel real happiness when gathered with them.

Wednesday 2 September 2015

Satu Minggu Setelah Wisuda

Apa yang terjadi setelah wisuda?

Mendadak Menjadi Gagap Event
Di berbagai saluran socmed mulai banjir jarkom dan japri Jobfair, Careerdays, seminar pelatihan kerja, workshop studi tingkat lanjut dll ini adalah hal yang bahkan sudah membuatku menggalau di malam pertama aku ngekost di jogja.

Banyak Jalan, Banyak Pikiran, Banyak Harapan, tapi Bingung untuk Bergerak
Mau lanjut studi? kerja dulu sembari nyari kesempatan lanjut studi? berwirausaha? balik kampung mbantu ortu? nikah?

Setelah wisuda akan banyak sekali pilihan yang membutuhkan kebijaksaan dan kesabaran yang ekstra. Di saat inilah passion dan idealismu mulai diuji oleh realita.

Bisa saja ketika kuliah kamu punya idealis menjadi ilmuwan hebat. Mau tidak mau kamu dituntut oleh idealismu untuk melanjutkan studi setinggi-tingginya akalu bisa ke luar negeri sana biar lebih bergengsi. Tapi apa, setelah ijazah kamu akan benar-benar menatap realita kalau semua itu tidak semudah Lintang dan Arai yang bisa pergi ke Sorbone.

Mau Kerja Tapi...
Beasiswa dari pemerintah sudah diputus, beasiswa dari orang tua mungkin masih tapi masak iya cuma mau ngandelin uang ortu untuk berahan di rantau. Kalau kamu anaknya orang tajir sih gamasalah.

Mantan mahasiswa yang sudah berniat bekerja, mayoritas terlalu selektif dan cenderung ke arogan. "Aku S1 Matematika masa jadi waiter, digaji dibawah UMR lagi"

Bro/sist di dunia pekerja, pengalamanlah yang berbicara. Mengutip teori Om Bob, di kampus kita hanya belajar sesuatu secara teknikal dan teoetikal, praktikalnya kurang banget. Setelah lulus sangat disarankan untuk membuka pandangan seluasnya, berinteraksilah dengan dunia luar, dekati dan pelajari meski untuk mendapatkannya kamu harus menjadi waiter terlebih dahulu.

Buat teman-teman yang work oriented
Jadikan 1-2 tahun pertama kelulusanmu sebagai masa mendulang 'ilmu jalanan' dengan menambah pengalaman-pengalaman baru. tanggalkan itu gengsi almamatermu, rendah hatilah untuk emnjadi orang yang biosa diterima di berbagai lingklungan kerja. Setelah dirasa kamu cukup tahu tentang dunia kerja, kamu bisa menentukan sikapmu untuk menjadi profesional di bidangmu

Buat teman-teman yang studi oriented
Aku nggak bisa kasih saran karena itu bukan jalan ninjaku :v

Yang pasti, setelah lulus berusahalah untuk berdiri di atas kaki sendiri. Syukur-syukur kamu bisa membantu temanmu untuk menegakkan kakinya


Jogja Nyaman Kok

Lima tahun sudah aku hidup di kota kecil nan romantis ini. Selama 5 tahun itu banyak sekali lho perubahan yang berubah di Jogja. Dari tahun ke tahun makin padat, pembangunan hotel dan apartemen yang wagu sekali

$ tahun aku tinggal di daerah Pogung. Aku suka suasanya karena meskipun dekat dengan pusat kota dan daerah kampus yang notabene menjadi kawasan sumpek tapi hal itu sama sekali tidak terjadi di sini.

Di tempatku aku masih bisa menikmati semilir angin sore dari gubuk di tengah sawah belakang kosan sembari mengagumi siluet gunung merapi di ufuk utara sana.

Sawah? Yup kawan kuliahku pun tidak percaya kalau ada sawah yang hijau di kawasan sekitar kampus. Padahal, jarak antara kosan dan kampusku hanya sepelemparan batu.

Di tahun kelima aku pindah ke Jogja selatan, jauuuh sekali dari tempatku yang dulu. Aku tidak menyesal sih karena ternyata kawasan tempatku dulu sudah mulai dibangun apatemen 15 lantai plus kom[-lek ruko dan POM bensin. Yup, nikmatilah sisa-sisa kesejukannya kawan sebelum kau kehilangan semuanya.

Bulan depan mungkin aku akan pindah lagi ke Jogja yang lebih ke selatan. semoga di sana kutemukan sensasi Jogja yang baru

Mabok Internet

Apa yang bikin sakaw selain narkoba, bikin adiksi tapi bukan roko, bikin insomnia namun bukan secangkir kopi, bikin galau tapi bukan status jomblo. Mari satu kata kita teriakkan bersama


Demi apapun aku sangat berterima kasih kepada siapapun penemunya. Aku tidak terlalu paham sejarahnya tapi yang pasti aku sangat bahagia

Tingkat adiksi internet bagi tiap orang mungkin berbeda, dan aku berada di tingkatan pengguna kelas berat.

Sebagai generasi 90-an pasti ngrasa banget dong betapa dunia ini bergerak begitu cepat (dunia maya maksdunya). Mulai dari jaman dial up 0809 8 9999. serius nomor itu sangat kuhapal (jangan lupa dengan cara membacanya ya)

Masih kuingat malam-malam menjelang dini hari dibelain narikin kabel telepon cuma buat google, dan menulis segala hal absud di sana.

Tapi sangat disayangkan. disaat sekarang ini ketika internet mudah kudapat bahkan untuk kecepatan tertinggi di jaringan fiber indiHome,  aku masih belum bisa menghasilkan apapun dari internet atau lebih karena selama ini aku hanya duduk sebagai penikmat saja hehe

Tapi sebagai SR aku sangat tahu bagaimana perkembangan dunia blog yang kini sepertinya mulai digeser oleh tren Vlog ya haha

Sekian ah tulisan gajelas ini